our story
Fountain Square Presbyterian Church started worship in September 2013, but the idea started much before that. Redeemer Presbyterian Church, located in the Old North Side, began in 1998 with a desire to be in the city for the city. As the church grew they ended up with more and more members living in Fountain Square and the surrounding neighborhoods. These members began to desire a church that was in Fountain Square for Fountain Square. So in 2013 Redeemer called Pat Hickman to be the pastor of this new congregation.
Pat and Stephanie and their three kids moved to Fountain Square and immediately fell in love with the neighborhood and with Indianapolis. While they have lived and ministered in Spartanburg, SC, St. Louis, New York City, Denver, and Memphis, they have fallen in love with Fountain Square and Indianapolis. They love ministering alongside the leaders and members that were already here as well as all those now a part of Fountain Square Pres.